Call Steve Housman to Schedule a Consultation Today

Broward: (954) 981-8332
Miami-Dade: (305) 937-0525

Call Steve Housman to Schedule a Consultation Today

Broward: (954) 981-8332
Miami-Dade: (305) 937-0525

Multi-Family Residential Rental Property Tax Appeals

Appealing property taxes on multi-family homes

Owners of multi-family units have a lot of responsibilities. You have to make sure the home or units you are renting are clean and safe for renters. You also have to do the necessary repairs and pay property taxes. Property Taxes are one of the largest operating expenses in addition to repairs and reserves. If you believe you are paying too much taxes for your multi-family units, you can appeal your valuation. Please call Property Tax Experts, Inc for help.

Why Do I Need Help From a Property Tax Appeals Expert?

If you are going to file an appeal, it is in your best interest to hire an expert to help process your appeal request. This appeal process is very complicated. The process is not too different than going to court. You would not go to court without a lawyer. We know how to prepare the evidence and discuss your evidence before a magistrate (‘judge’). We expect that the Property Appraiser will be very well prepared to support their assessment. If you do not have a professional to represent you, you will probably not win your case and will be denied an abatement in taxes. There is a failure rate of up to 95% for go it alone taxpayer who want to represent themselves at a hearing. Why? Because you have to use appraisal principles in your evidence and discussions before the Magistrate (‘judge’).

What If I Have Questions About My Appeal?

If you have never filed an appeal or aren’t sure what to expect during your appeal I will gladly answer any questions you may have. I will walk you through the process. I will discuss the evidence with you. I invite you to participate with me at the hearing. You don’t have to be worried or concerned about the outcome. Steven Housman will be with you every step of the way and act with your best interest in mind at all times.

Just because you own multiple rental units in South Florida, doesn’t mean you should have to pay extra property taxes. If you feel that you are paying too much in property taxes, you can appeal your case. Property Tax Experts, Inc. can help. Call in Broward (954) 981-8332 or in Miami-Dade County (305) 937-0525 today

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